Fostering and improving dairy profits through nutrition and management


An introduction to the most relevant aspects of dairy management

Fostering and improving dairy profits through nutrition and management | Blanca from the Pyrenees

Blanca CPD (Continued Professional Development)
in collaboration with Lallemand
April 20th until 23rd, 2015

The CPD places an emphasis on the key aspects of dairy production that impact profitability, covering from basic concepts of economics, management, optimization and decision theory to dairying, and finishing with data integra-tion.

The sessions are highly interactive and it is expected that attendees integrate the concepts by engaging in active discussions. The CPD will also include a few hands-on sessions looking at silage quality as well as rumen preparations.


Bernat Sales

Frédérique Chaucheyras-Durand

Sergio Calsamiglia

Luis Queiros

Alex Bach

José Ahedo

Aurelien Piron

This CPD is offered by Blanca with the collaboration of Lallemand.
If you are interested in attending this CPD, please contact your local Lallemand representative.

Fostering and improving dairy profits through nutrition and management | Blanca from the Pyrenees

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