Consuls visit Blanca
On November 20th, Blanca hosted a visit of 34 consuls from a wide array of countries.
This visit was organized by Secretary of External Affairs of the Generalitat of Catalonia, chaperoned by the mayor of la seu d'Urgell (Albert Batalla) and the mayor from Ribera d’Urgellet (Antoni Capdevila) and was championed by the honorable Conseller Jose Maria Pelegrí.
The objective of the visit was to share Blanca's project and commercial portfolio with the consuls of different countries to detect potential future collaborations between Blanca and regions or countries aiming and boosting their dairy sectors.
Consuls were made aware of the capacity of Blanca to not only produce high-genetic merit embryos adapted to the local needs but also to deliver them with an education and training package for the different actors in the dairy sector (producers, veterinarians, consultants, industry, and administration).

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